The election results of Gujarat State Assembly will be out by 23rd December. But before that, few questions remain to be answered. The election campaign of the BJP was originally based on the Development plank. But all of it changed after the now infamous “Merchants of Death” remark by Mrs.Sonia.
It provoked Modi towards the sub-Judice “Justification of Encounter”.
First, is Modi right in justifying the encounter, if we take for the sake of argument that he has justified?
Punjab has witnessed so much terrorism by Khalistanis but how it came to an end? Can anyone disagree that it was the tactics employed by Mr.K.P.S.Gill & Mr.Julius Ribeiro and their famous encounters? Each encounter reduced the number of hardcore militants and sounded the deathknell of terrorism in Punjab. But some of the encounter may even be fake and a few of them may be innocent. But this is War. All is fair in Love and War. Drastic situations require drastic measures.
So Encounters, whether fake or real, serve a useful purpose, that of containing terrorism. It has to be ensured that the Police do not misuse their powers to settle scores with their enemies or for personal gains. Sometimes there will be aberrations but they have to be accepted as “Collateral Damage”.
No one can argue that Sohrabudin was innocent. He was wanted by four states in this country. His crime was storing illegal weapons and aiding terrorism. Still, his killing means he had been denied the due process of justice.
OK But what about Afsal Guru who had been sentenced to Death for the attack on the Parliament? There are vociferous demand for clemency for him and he is still enjoying his liberty inside the Jail. The Central Government has recently sent a reminder notice to the Delhi State government for its opinion about the clemency petition, because according to the Central Government, the crime happened in the state of Delhi. How nice to hear. And the Delhi State Government, headed by the Congress, is keeping a stony silence on this matter. There is no time limit prescribed in the Constitution on how soon a clemency petition is to be disposed off. So in all fairness, we will soon see Afsal Guru, roaming free in the streets of New Delhi, and lecturing about Freedom Struggle and Rights of the Kashmiri People.
This is how the so called “Due process of Justice” goes on.
And as for justification of a killing, well it is not correct on the part of a State Chief Minister to justify a killing. Right? I have a doubt now. Whether this principle is applicable only to the Chief Ministers or it includes the Prime Minister also? When thousands of innocent Sikhs are butchered in NewDelhi, it was brushed off as “Vibrations when a big tree falls”, by the former Prime Minister Mr.Rajiv Gandhi. Even after 23 years, justice has not been done to the victims of those riots.
Mr.Manmohan Singh ji, those accused of aiding and abetting the riots are still in your party and some of them had been ministers in the previous cabinets also. Will you kindly open those cases again and do justice now, as you would like to reopen the Gujarat riot cases now?
If Modi is guilty of justifying the killing of one person who was aiding terrorism, then what about a person who had justified the killings of thousands of innocent civilians? Will the Prime Minister or the UPA Chair person give any answer?
This is not to justify MrModi. But in today’s politics, there are no Mahathma. We have to choose the lesser evil. Nobody can accuse Modi of corruption. After a very long time, Gujarat had a Chief Minister who is totally honest. There is no room for corruption in his administration. That is the reason part of the state government servants are against Modi. Corruption percolates from the top. So if the Top is honest, it will percolate to the bottom and though it may take time, eventually there will be corrupt free administration, which will ensure the welfare measures reach the targeted population. When MsJayalalitha took severe action against the state government servants, including mid-night arrests and summary removal from service, the whole public welcomed it wholeheartedly. It gives an idea about the honesty of the government servants.
So the choice of the people of Gujarat is between a corrupt free government or an inept government which capitulates to the terrorists and pampers them. The choice will be known in less than a week.
It provoked Modi towards the sub-Judice “Justification of Encounter”.
First, is Modi right in justifying the encounter, if we take for the sake of argument that he has justified?
Punjab has witnessed so much terrorism by Khalistanis but how it came to an end? Can anyone disagree that it was the tactics employed by Mr.K.P.S.Gill & Mr.Julius Ribeiro and their famous encounters? Each encounter reduced the number of hardcore militants and sounded the deathknell of terrorism in Punjab. But some of the encounter may even be fake and a few of them may be innocent. But this is War. All is fair in Love and War. Drastic situations require drastic measures.
So Encounters, whether fake or real, serve a useful purpose, that of containing terrorism. It has to be ensured that the Police do not misuse their powers to settle scores with their enemies or for personal gains. Sometimes there will be aberrations but they have to be accepted as “Collateral Damage”.
No one can argue that Sohrabudin was innocent. He was wanted by four states in this country. His crime was storing illegal weapons and aiding terrorism. Still, his killing means he had been denied the due process of justice.
OK But what about Afsal Guru who had been sentenced to Death for the attack on the Parliament? There are vociferous demand for clemency for him and he is still enjoying his liberty inside the Jail. The Central Government has recently sent a reminder notice to the Delhi State government for its opinion about the clemency petition, because according to the Central Government, the crime happened in the state of Delhi. How nice to hear. And the Delhi State Government, headed by the Congress, is keeping a stony silence on this matter. There is no time limit prescribed in the Constitution on how soon a clemency petition is to be disposed off. So in all fairness, we will soon see Afsal Guru, roaming free in the streets of New Delhi, and lecturing about Freedom Struggle and Rights of the Kashmiri People.
This is how the so called “Due process of Justice” goes on.
And as for justification of a killing, well it is not correct on the part of a State Chief Minister to justify a killing. Right? I have a doubt now. Whether this principle is applicable only to the Chief Ministers or it includes the Prime Minister also? When thousands of innocent Sikhs are butchered in NewDelhi, it was brushed off as “Vibrations when a big tree falls”, by the former Prime Minister Mr.Rajiv Gandhi. Even after 23 years, justice has not been done to the victims of those riots.
Mr.Manmohan Singh ji, those accused of aiding and abetting the riots are still in your party and some of them had been ministers in the previous cabinets also. Will you kindly open those cases again and do justice now, as you would like to reopen the Gujarat riot cases now?
If Modi is guilty of justifying the killing of one person who was aiding terrorism, then what about a person who had justified the killings of thousands of innocent civilians? Will the Prime Minister or the UPA Chair person give any answer?
This is not to justify MrModi. But in today’s politics, there are no Mahathma. We have to choose the lesser evil. Nobody can accuse Modi of corruption. After a very long time, Gujarat had a Chief Minister who is totally honest. There is no room for corruption in his administration. That is the reason part of the state government servants are against Modi. Corruption percolates from the top. So if the Top is honest, it will percolate to the bottom and though it may take time, eventually there will be corrupt free administration, which will ensure the welfare measures reach the targeted population. When MsJayalalitha took severe action against the state government servants, including mid-night arrests and summary removal from service, the whole public welcomed it wholeheartedly. It gives an idea about the honesty of the government servants.
So the choice of the people of Gujarat is between a corrupt free government or an inept government which capitulates to the terrorists and pampers them. The choice will be known in less than a week.
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